Alina Borysova Head of Department, |
Phone: (057) 731-32-82
The Department of Foreign Languages teaches students of one of the modern European languages (English, German, or French). A foreign language course for CDAC students provides for a practical and functionally limited level of language proficiency, which promotes the student's development as a specialist and, accordingly, is communicative and professionally oriented. The ultimate goal of a foreign language course is to develop the student's skills necessary and sufficient for finding, evaluating and processing foreign language professional information and for professional oral and written communication in the course of international contacts. The program is aimed at developing the student's communication skills in all types of foreign language activities - reading, speaking, listening and writing.
Teachers of the department take the following courses:
- Business foreign language: for students of the Faculty of Social Communications, Cultural Studies and Management and Business.
- Foreign language: for all students of the Academy. The length of the course depends on the chosen speciality.
- Foreign language of professional orientation for the students of the magistracy.
- Second foreign language: for students of the Faculty of Management and Business (tourist business).
- English language course for PhD students.